john feeney


23 Jan 2017, Article
The Restoration of a Symphony Back to Bassists: The Restoration of a Symphony Categories: Bach | Haydn | Mozart | Posted: December 30, 2016 — John Feeney “…about the violone or the great bass of the violins, it is the most stimulating and best musical instrument and to the music a most singular ornament…” Heinrich Schütz (1615-1672) I am grateful to Tom Crawford for giving me the opportunity to play Haydn’s Symphony No.31, the Hornsignal . This is a ...
07 Jun 2014, Article
Wow! got a great and very intelligent customer review on Amazon. Thanks!
Customer Reviews Dragonetti: String Quartet and Quintets 1 Review 5 star :  (1) 4 star :    (0) 3 star :    (0) 2 star :    (0) 1 star :    (0)       Average Customer Review 5.0 out of 5 stars   ( 1 customer review ) Share your thoughts with other customers Create ...
09 Mar 2014, Article
Dragonetti: Into The Light
CHAMBER MUSIC Word Count: 1,791 DOMENICO DRAGONETTI: INTO THE LIGHT By Claire Sykes In the Manuscript Room of the British Museum, John Feeney pulled open one of the small mahogany file drawers and fingered through the mass of catalog cards, jotting down folio numbers on little slips of paper. He dropped these through a slot in the wall and waited, as he watched others engrossed in their explorations. A few minutes later, someone appeared and wordlessly handed him the ...
09 Mar 2014, Article
Dragonetti: En La Luz
DRAGONETTI: EN LA LUZ Por Claire Sykes En la Sala del manuscrito del Museo Británico , John Feeney abrió uno de los cajones pequeños de caoba y dedos a través de la masa neta de las fichas del catálogo , anotando números en pequeños trozos de folio de papel. Se dejó caer a través de una ranura en la pared de los thes y esperó, mientras observaba absorto en sus exploraciones de los demás. Unos minutos más tarde , alguien apareció y sin mediar palabra le entregó la primera carpeta. Allí ...
19 Apr 2013, Article
Dagonetti's New Academy, Volume 2 review
Notes and Editorial Reviews DRAGONETTI  String Quartet No. 2. String Quintets: Nos. 11, 26.  HAYDN   Divertimento,  Hob. II: C5  •  John Feeney (db); Loma Mar Qrt (period instruments)  •  DRAGONETTI’S NEW ACADEMY DNA 2011 (58:17)  This is the second volume of the chamber music of Domenico Dragonetti (1763–1846) from John Feeney and company, the first having been issued in 2009 and reviewed in  Fanfare   Read more   33:3. If ...
19 Apr 2013, Article
fanfare review cd 1
Jan 5, 2010 Fanfare magazine review!!!! CD Review by  Christopher Brodersen DRAGONETTI  String Quartet No. 1. String Quintets: No. 13:  Adagio; Allegretto;  No. 18:  Andante; Allegro non troppo;  No. 31:  Adagio; Presto  •  John Feeney (db); Loma Mar Qrt (period instruments)  •  DRAGONETTI’S NEW ACADEMY 2009 (54:50)As John Feeney explains in his liner notes to the CD, during a visit to the British Museum in the early 1990s while on tour with ...
19 Apr 2013, Article
Tradebit blurb about Volume 2.
Description: World premiere of amazing music by Domenico Dragonetti and a newly discovered masterpiece by Joseph Haydn! 13 MP3 Songs in this album (58:09) ! Related styles: Classical: Chamber Music, Featuring Bass Details: Here is just some of what the critics are saying about Dragonetti's New Academy!- â...... an important addition to the double-bass repertoire,...and chamber music in general.... consistently tuneful and inventive,... first violinist Krista Bennion Feeney plays ...
19 Apr 2013, Article
egad! more reviews!
By  CREW MANTLE  |  Published:  APRIL 12, 2010 On the occasion, COMMANDOpera will be taken with an orchestral performance to such a degree, one is behooved to review the work in its entirety on the venue. If you ever wondered where PBS productions on historical drama’s would find their music, it would have been from a composer such as Domenico Dragonetti. Mr. Dragonetti (April 7, 1763 – April 16, 1846) was an Italian double bass virtuoso. He stayed for thirty years in his ...
19 Apr 2013, Article
More reviews
Back to School with “Dragonetti’s New Academy” Source: By Sherri Rase “Dragonetti’s New Academy” includes previously unpublished and unknown works by Domenico Dragonetti, a contemporary of Haydn, Mozart and Boccherini, who was less revered in his day, his skill in performance ranked much more highly than his skill as a composer.  Yet listening to the works in this Classical Recording Foundation Award winner for 2009, it seems that the critique of Dragonetti’s ...
19 Apr 2013, Article
Still More reviews
Back to School with “Dragonetti’s New Academy” Source: By Sherri Rase “Dragonetti’s New Academy” includes previously unpublished and unknown works by Domenico Dragonetti, a contemporary of Haydn, Mozart and Boccherini, who was less revered in his day, his skill in performance ranked much more highly than his skill as a composer.  Yet listening to the works in this Classical Recording Foundation Award winner for 2009, it seems that the critique of Dragonetti’s ...
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